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Biggest Loser, perhaps. My journey into self control. #1

April 23, 2009

4/23 first morning after weigh in

I decided to up the accountability anty I have decided to give you all *gasp* quick weekly updates of my weight.  In addition I will “bless” you all by giving you a monthly wrap up with pictoral evidence. Yikes!

Vital Statistics April 23, 2009:

5 foot 6 inches tall, 238.8 pounds ( which is 17.1 stone or 108.3 kilos for my european readers)


I know, ghastly! I am just blessed to have a husband who notices that i am a bit softer but not enough to think I am fat… God Bless the man!!  I really should have his eyes examined but I kind of like him thinking the way he does! 😉

Last night as I was craving extra portions of dinner:) I started thinking about self control and what does it really mean and how does it benefit me.  It is easy to start thinking along the lines of why deny myself.  It seems to be much more gratifying to eat whatever I want when I want it.  In today’s world culture, more so in the USA I am afraid, we have become such an instant gratification society.  If it takes effort we are disinclined to take part.

So, how does self control help me?  While the short term may be hard the long term benefits are tremendous.  This not only is in relation to weight loss, smaller dress size, or a healthier me.  This is also true in relationships, education,  my relationship with God and family.  For example, as a mum sometimes it would be easier to not be involved in my children’s activities, school, interests, daily devotions etc.  I know  scandalous that I would say that, but it’s true.  By going outside of myself and investing in my children’s lives, I have the benefit of really getting to know them and growing closer to them as they grow.   While it may be easier to lay on the couch reading a good books sometimes, I can see the benefit of  sowing good seeds in their lives as they grow to be genuinnely good godly children.  Ok, so they may be 12, 6, and 2 1/2 respectively but the truth remains.

Here comes the fabulous part, when I screw up with self control, whether it be with my kids or my new diet, God, family, and even weight watchers(!) give me grace to dust myself off and get myself back on track.

The keys are:

Be honest with yourself about what happened and why.

Confess your sin/transgression/ or overindulgence.  Apologise (hey you can even apologise to yourself if you ate too much cake 😉 )

Make restitution as needed.

Stay accountable Whether this be a prayer partner or friends at weight watchers, when it comes to matters of self control it is near impossible to succeed if we are not in an accountability partnership of some sort.  I included the following Bible passage as an example of the ultimate accountabilty and cheerleading section a girl, or boy, could pray for!

Hebrews 12: 1-3

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us runwith endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Pray for Grace in whatever situation you are struggling.  We are NOT PERFECT.  We will stumble and need a hand up.

Strive always to attain THE STANDARD but realize that we can not do it alone.  It is through this struggle that His grace through my battles with self control are so sweet.

Romans 5:19-21

19For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous. 20Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased,grace abounded all the more, 21so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

27 Comments leave one →
  1. April 23, 2009 9:53 am

    excellent, friend. You are one of those gals who is always gorgeous – I will envy your blue-flower eyes forever 😉 .

    I’m praying!

    • April 23, 2009 9:55 am

      You are too kind as usual dear heart! That being said, i will suck up any compliments and prayers that you offer to me!


  2. bethyoung permalink
    April 23, 2009 10:14 am

    Laurie said it right!


  3. davgreene permalink
    April 23, 2009 10:43 am

    would you like my twocents? dont starve yourself, it doesnt work. Dont use points (as in weight watchers).. it may work a little, but it will not work over the long term. What i think works is limiting yourself to about 1500 calories per day (no matter where they come from… eat 10 choc bars if you want!!) and go for a good walk every day… thats it, you will lose loads of weight and u dont have to go crazy dieting.

    • April 23, 2009 11:03 am

      i agree and disagree with you David. weight watchers teaches a lifestyle not crazy diet. actually 1500 cal a day would put me in starvation mode where i would be metabolizing muscle rather than fat. weight watcher points teach you what is an appropriate amount to eat. it steps you down with your weight loss in points/calories. think about it, counting calories or counting points.. what is the difference? the one good thing about points is that it makes sure you are being balanced with what you put in your mouth. I 100% agree about the walk. you are on the money. it is basically “eat less exercise more”. just use whatever form works best for you as long as you are in it as a lifestyle change and are being healthy and sensible about it.
      btw, did I see that you are coming over again soon? We will make sure that you see us down the road next visit. 😉

  4. April 23, 2009 12:21 pm

    YOu are my inspiration!!!!

    • April 23, 2009 2:55 pm

      😉 I will try to live up to that!
      We will have to keep each other motivated via email and quick chats at church. Maybe even *gasp* have a play date with the kiddos!!
      love you sweetie.

  5. April 23, 2009 3:18 pm

    I just love your quest for accountability!
    I’m applauding you! Woo Hoo!!

    These qualities define the way we should live and the way we should weight watch!!!
    The Lord is Lord of everything!!!

    Blessings to you!
    I’ll pray as the Lord brings you to mind!
    You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, sister!

    PS You are beautiful! No kidding!

  6. April 23, 2009 3:38 pm

    A lovely young lady in our church fellowship just joined weight watchers. It is a great plan and encourages you to eat sensibly (without starvation which does slow metabolism!) It may seem right to starve yourself into weight loss, but that does not work! Weight loss can be achieved best by often eating MORE than we usually do (but more of the good HEALTHY stuff) so we can be Metabolic Calorie Burners.
    Plan for Hunger,
    Eat sensibly
    Move it!

    (Now if I could just put these things into practice!!!)

    • April 23, 2009 4:10 pm

      Thank you for the compliment and the sensible cheerleading! 😉 I like the ww plan because it isn’t about starving yourself. it’s about looking at your choices and making a lifestyle change.

  7. April 23, 2009 4:06 pm

    I am so proud of you, girl! Posting your “before” picture and everything. God DOES give grace to the humble. I obviously am way too proud (see how my first sentence started, for proof ..heeeheee). Let’s talk. You may be just the person I need to be accountable to.

    The number 1 thing I learned from WW is that
    we eat unconsciously. It taught me that grazing is a big problem. We all what we should be eating and not eating. Education’s never been the cure to people’s problems.

    We just joined the gym and I hope to see some results. I just don’t have the guts you do yet to actually post my gorgeous bod online.

    • April 23, 2009 4:12 pm

      aww thanks sweetie! I just figure if I put that out there it would make it harder for me to NOT do something about my weight/health.
      grazing can be a big problem for me. That’s why I like the documentation aspect of what you are eating. It makes me more aware of what I actually am putting into my body.

      you go girl re: the gym. it’s hard to make lifestyle changes. We will definitely have to talk!!

  8. April 23, 2009 5:16 pm

    You go, girl. One day at a time 🙂

  9. April 23, 2009 6:18 pm

    Great post! You’re an inspiration for sure.

  10. Shannon permalink
    April 23, 2009 6:47 pm

    Like I said earlier, you’ve already done the hard part in realizing that you needed to change your habits, and eating patterns and being “sedentary” are habits that are very hard to change. Weight Watcher’s awesome because beyond the whole point/counting calories thing it teaches you portion control. You don’t have to stick to a strict diet of celery and lettuce like some other ridiculous diets. It’s perfectly reasonable to sustain for the rest of your life if you want.

    I know that you have the willpower to do this; I’ve certainly seen you do it before ;).

    • April 23, 2009 9:06 pm

      hehe, you have certainly seen me through thick and thin both emotionally and physically. You are a true friend who I am blessed to have as a part of my life. 😉

  11. April 24, 2009 6:55 am

    Yay for you, Karen. I need ongoing encouragement and accountability in the area of self control, too. IT’ll be great to check in here w/ you and be praying for you, waiting to see your progress. 🙂

    • April 25, 2009 6:13 pm

      Thanks Briana. I am drinking up all of this encouragement. I hope to have some good stories to tell along the way! Maybe I can be of encouragement to someone else.

  12. April 24, 2009 1:52 pm

    WOW. I am impressed and overawed at your courage, fortitude, and commitment. I pray that He will give you the grace and support to continue down this road! Blessings!

    • April 25, 2009 6:14 pm

      I appreciate the prayers and encouragement. I have found in many situations when i know that others are praying and are “rooting” for me that I battle temptation a lot more effectively. 🙂

  13. mum permalink
    April 25, 2009 4:34 pm

    good on you best of luck will be keeping an eye on your progress

    • April 25, 2009 6:16 pm

      Thanks Mum! Did you appreciate the lbs to stone conversion? all i can say is that I have a ways to go. I am determined and with prayer and determination I hope to get to a healthier version of myself. We all miss you and are looking forward to seeing you next summer in Brighton! xo to you, delores, and granny! (and the rest of the family of course!)

  14. ronan permalink
    April 26, 2009 12:23 pm

    hello there first time viewer first time commenting, oh wait i did comment on the books, waith that means second time viewer second time comminting. woo hoo way to go baby.

    • April 26, 2009 12:25 pm

      Thank you honey. I love that you don’t even think that I need to lose weight. You are more than my husband you are my best friend. You are my favorite cheerleader … sorry ladies! 😉

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